Patricia Tretick Young Artist Competition Application Form 2024-25

Patricia Tretick Young Artist Competition 2025 – Application Form

Complete the form below to provide details about your entry. Please ensure you have read and understand the rules and regulations before starting your application. The application deadline is Friday, December 6, 2024, by 11:59 pm.

Applicant Information

Required for applicants under the age of 18. Applicants 18 years old or older may skip this.
University students – please use your mailing address when you are at school as opposed to your permanent address.
Required only if applicant is under 18 years of age and the parent/guardian address differs from applicant’s address.
Please enter an email address regularly checked by the applicant and/or applicant’s parent or guardian. Email will be the primary method of communication regarding the competition.
Please submit a short biography (200 words or less) detailing your performance experience and accomplishments. Please use complete sentences and use third person point of view. The bio you submit here will appear in the competition program if you are selected as a finalist.

Performance Information

Please email a scanned PDF of the score of the applicant’s competition piece to the Education Coordinator at The score should show both your solo part and the accompanist’s part. Please do not send your solo part alone, or full orchestral scores. The application will not be considered complete until the PDF score is received. If the score is not received by December 6, 2024, the application may be disqualified. **NOTE: Please ensure any applicable cuts are marked. If cuts are added after submission of this application, please email the OI Education Coordinator the updated PDF of your piece.
Please include any applicable movement numbers and titles, and any applicable opus numbers. Consult with your private teacher if you have any doubt about the full title of your chosen piece.
Entrants are allotted 10 minutes of performing time during the final round of the competition.
Please submit a link (YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, etc.) to a video recording of the applicant performing the work listed on this application form. The video recording must have occurred no earlier than six months before the filing of this application. The prescreening video does not require accompaniment or memorization. However, please note that accompaniment and memorization are both required if invited to the final round of the competition. A professionally produced video is not required, but the audio quality must be clear. Video recordings must not be edited in any way. Please ensure that there are no privacy settings which might prevent the link from being viewed. Faulty or broken links may result in the application being disqualified.
If unknown, leave blank. Contact the OI Education Coordinator once your accompanist is determined.

Competition Agreement & Media Release

By signing my full name in the space below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the rules and regulations of the Patricia Tretick Young Artist Competition. I understand that my application will not be considered complete until the PDF of the score of my piece is emailed to the Education Coordinator. I understand that if I am invited to the final round of the competition that my performance must be memorized and I must have an accompanist. I understand that I may not use personal video or audio equipment without prior consent. I also agree that Orchestra Indiana can use and distribute any media, including photos and videos, from my competition performance without any further consent or compensation. I understand that I will not be paid for the use of the video or my image.

Application Fee Payment

A nonrefundable entry fee of $10 is required for the prescreening round of the competition. Applicants invited to compete in the final round of the competition will be required to pay an additional nonrefundable fee ($65 – Collegiate Division, $50 – Senior Division, $25 – Junior Division, $10 – Elementary Division). The final round fee will be due by the day of the competition, and finalists will not be allowed to compete until this fee is paid. Finalists will be contacted about the process for payment.
Credit Card Payments